
Showing posts from 2017

Don't seek it, seize it

H eading towards it was maybe my biggest mistake. Losing self to achieve something which was never meant for me was the faultiest thing I’ve ever done. In its presence life was always a lilac sky with rainbows and unicorns but when it left, the reality hit me hard. Life’s not all white or black; it’s a combination of gray, shades of gray which help us evolve. It’s a roller coaster ride with no brakes, no ends and sadly, no seat belts. Either you ascend or you descend. There is no in between. Life is as difficult for you as it is for me, however the way we make our problems look depends on our outlook. For me, this rat will just be a tiny, lifeless animal but for a two-year-old, it can be a gigantic monster. For me the food we have every day will be as plain and basic as yellow to a canvas, however, the same food might be someone’s dream. It’s the way we look at things. So after pondering upon the severity of issues which consume a large part of our brain, it seems pointless to ev

The Gap Between Pink and Blue

U ndiminishing. Unreceding. As untrue as it sounds, however, how many of us can proudly  take a stance in disapproval of the alarming issue of gender disparity? Nearly none. Right! Every person knowingly or unknowingly has felt the presence of this social drawback. Gender discrimination doesn’t just limit to girls or guys in particular, rather is something experienced by millions in some or the other chapter of life. ‘Ladies first or boys will be boys’ isn’t something surprising for our ears. Even though we have known for ages that these phrases are doing nothing but appending the distance created by the social norms and customs between guys and girls yet here we are, sitting idly, doing nothing but gulping our beverages and staring at the screens.                     You all know what happens when a girl gets her first period or when a guy’s facial hair grows. Right there, at that very moment  the gap between pink and blue emerges . While everyone’s concerned